Procom Middle East is now the official distributor of Waves System in the Middle East. Waves System is a manufacturer of interactive audiovisual equipment, specializing in multimedia players, sensors, and high-directional speakers. Waves Systems' multisensorial AV solutions are found in museums, places of culture and attractions, as well as in retail stores. To learn more about Waves System, visit
EVP380 - Event Video Player
VP320 - My Video Player - 4K Multipurpose Video Player
VP330 - My Video Player - 4K Multipurpose Video Player
AP420 - Public Address Audio Players
EP220 - Event Player MKII - Audio Control (GPIO 1in)
EP230 - Event Player MKII - Audio Control (GPIO 8in/8out)
MicroPlayer MKIII+ - Interactive and Amplified Audio Player
H3000/EB - Emitter - Mono Directional Audio System
H3000/AMP - Amplifier- Mono Directional Audio System
NanoPlayer Box - Interactive Amplified Audio Player